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Skincare routine with CBD oil

In the mornings you are very clear about your facial care routine. Do you have a night routine for cleansing and moisturizing your face? If the answer is no, you need to find the strength to create a night time routine to give your skin the care it needs before going to sleep.


We leave you here, a quick 6-step guide, explaining how a good night time routine should be for taking care of your skin, and in which step you should incorporate our CBD oil.


  1. Cleanser

First of all, we must cleanse the face with a product that suits our needs and our skin type. If we have make-up residues, it is advisable to do a double cleansing, starting with an oily product that removes the make-up and then apply a water-based product that removes all the residues.


Remember that cleansing is one of the fundamental steps in skin care, because even if we do not apply make-up, traces of impurities and pollution particles remain on our face.


2. Exfoliator

This step should not be done every day and you should look for an exfoliant that is suitable for your skin and that is not too aggressive. For dry skin it is recommended once a week, and for oily skin twice a week.


3. Toner

Although it may not seem like it, this step is one of the most important because it helps us to balance the pH level of our skin, which will help it to better accept and absorb the products of the following steps.

When we apply it, we should cover the entire face, avoiding the contour of the eyes.


4. Serum and Treatments

Depending on your skin type, age, and the other products applied, you will need a serum or treatment that is appropriate for you. It is important to put a treatment on your skin to give it vitamins and some substances that might be missing. Serums are ideal for this step and exist for all skin types according to your needs.


5. Eye cream

Products for the contour of the eyes, are those that are often overlooked, but which are essential. They help treat one of the most sensitive areas of the face that has the most fragile skin, and is one of the first to show signs of aging.


6. Moisturizer

Finally, the step you can never miss. It doesn’t matter if you have dry or oily skin, you should never skip this step. With our CBD oil, recommended for all skin types, you will treat wrinkles, expression lines, scars, dark spots, redness, and inflammation.

It is the perfect oil for showing off a nourished, reaffirmed, luminous, and revitalized face. 


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