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Privacy Policy

Personal datas provided to receive website informations, for the registration to the newsletter or to fill up the necessary forms shall be exclusively used by Kyngdy to send the informative or promotional materials related to our products; the treatment of your informations will be based on the principles of correctness, loyalty and transparency and for the protection of your privacy and your rights.


Your datas shall be saved in a computer database or on paper, adopting their protection.

Your datas shall not be sold or diffused to third parties, but shall be exclusively used by Kyngdy
If, for any reason, you have no interest in receiving informations regarding our products and services, you can cancel yourself from our archives writing to [email protected].


Without your consent on your personal details we shall neither be able to send you informative and promotional materials, nor to register you to our newsletter.


The individual has the right to receive indication:


  • of the purposes for and conditions in which said data is to be treated;
  • of the logic applied in the case of treatment performed with the assistance of electronic methods;
  • of the identity of the controller, the processors and the representative appointed under the terms of article 5, subsection 2;
  • of the subjects and subject categories to which personal data may be communicated or which may receive such information while acting as national territory representative, processors or appointees.


The individual has the right to:


  • update, modify or, if so desired, integrate the data;
  • cancel, transform into anonymous format or block data treated in violation of the law, including that which it is not necessary to preserve in relation to the purposes for which said data was collected or subsequently treated;
  • receive confirmation that procedures under letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also in relation to their content, to those bodies or persons to whom said data has been communicated or transmitted, except in the case in which such communication proves impossible or involves means manifestly disproportionate with respect to the right protected.


The individual has the right, wholly or in part:


  • when his/her reasons are legitimate, to oppose to the treatment of data of which he is subject, even if pertinent to the purposes of the data collection;
  • to oppose to the treatment of data of which he is subject for the purposes of issuing advertising or direct sales material or for market research or commercial communications.


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